Nov 29, 2005 — College and Internships · Life

Restless Minds

Peter Steese, philosophy professor, gave us our first assignment which was to go to the college library and see how many volumes of books were available. 10,000, we found out. The next class, he pointed…

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Sep 19, 2005 — College and Internships · Life

Class Cancelled

Yep, today was mountiain day. Hardest part was finding the mountain; climbing’s the easy part. Good time, numerous almost-falls, which are often better than the successful face plant. Windmilling limbs, a school girl shriek, and…

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Sep 13, 2005 — College and Internships · Life

CSC, 123

I got a pair of black on black Converse sneakers for a going away present before returning to school. So far, nothing has topped the shoes. The usual remains: classes are classes, plenty of new…

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May 26, 2005 — College and Internships · Life

Like a Sponge

Hatchling is keeping me busy. I’m usually the first one here and last to leave; the hours fly by. My whole goal before school ended was to secure an internship position that would a) allow…

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May 17, 2005 — College and Internships · Life

Message From Heaven

Hey, real quick, just wanted to let everyone know Hatchling’s great, couldn’t ask for more. Own desk, computer loaded with the latest and greatest. Got here the first day and am working on redoing a…

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May 09, 2005 — College and Internships · Life

Last Supper

Well, tomorrow I pack my things and start heading home. This is means goodbye sophomore year, hello summer internship with Hatchling Studios. Things might be a little quiet for awhile as home only has dial…

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Apr 15, 2005 — College and Internships · Life

And That’s a Wrap

Well, today was the big day, had my interview with Hatchling. More than happy to say everything went awesome, probably the best day I’ve had all year. Everyone was impressed with my resume and ambitions…

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