Well, today was the big day, had my interview with Hatchling. More than happy to say everything went awesome, probably the best day I’ve had all year. Everyone was impressed with my resume and ambitions and after I told them what I was looking for, the goals I had in mind, it was apparent Hatchling would be a good fit for me. Very cool bunch of folks, very nice, should be great to work with this summer. Their “grunt” work sounds like HTML and small size web projects, which is heaven compared to 4 hours of photocopying or crashing five macs in a day (oh, Hatchling has mainly all pc’s! another score). Jason, senior flash designer, said he had plenty of jobs to introduce me to flash as well and I should be able to work some time in the 3-d department on the second floor of Hatchling so it’ll be good to get my feet wet in the animation side of things.

Can’t express how excited I am for the internship. Just shows a little initiative goes a long way. Big thanks to Hatchling for the meeting and to my “fan club” who helped me out today with a phone, better transportation, and opinion on clothes.
