Oct 19, 2007 — Web

Findings From the Web Design Survey

In April 2007, A List Apart and An Event Apart conducted a survey of people who make websites. Close to 33,000 web professionals answered the survey’s 37 questions, providing the first data ever collected on…

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Mar 20, 2007 — Web

37 Signals Releases Highrise

Highrise is an online contact manager that helps you keep track of who you talk to, what was said, and what to do next. Excellent tool for organizing contacts. In an age where working off-site…

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Mar 20, 2007 — Design · Web

ExpressionEngine Redesign Explained

Jesse Bennett-Chamberlain has written an excellent article describing the ExpressionEngine website redesign. Not only is the final result a fantastic website but his insights are worth any designer’s time. Great info on the design process…

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Feb 08, 2007 — Design · Inspiration · Web

Happy Cog Anew

Happy Cog releases a beautiful new design, pushing the message that they are not just web designers but authors, speakers, and industry movers as well. More from the man who got the cog rolling, Zeldman…

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Jan 24, 2007 — Web

Semantic Naming Conventions

Andy Clarke‘s recently released, Transcending CSS, has an interesting bit on naming conventions (the labels designers give to elements). Though the subject is not new, it will no doubt be revisited more in the future…

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Jan 19, 2007 — Web

Top Firefox Extensions for Web Developers

Firefox being my choice web browser, the following is a list of extensions I’ve found most useful. Each image is linked to the corresponding extension install page. Enjoy and if you have any recommendations, feel…

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Aug 03, 2006 — Freelance · Web

Pragmatic Web Design

Web design is one of the few careers I know of where the client dictates so much of a project’s end result. On the one hand, it’s great to allow copious client input and really…

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Jul 14, 2006 — Design · Web

MC Cycle & Sport Launch

MC Cycle and Sport is a project I’ve been working on for Myles Chase. The site is now live and will soon include cycling events and an image gallery.

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Jul 13, 2006 — Web

Gmail Request – Stickies

I would love for Gmail to have some sort of personal notes area for the collection of thoughts, ideas, and reminders that accumulate throughout a day. I constantly find myself sending an empty, self-addressed e-mail…

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