Apr 29, 2011 — Design · Dribbble

Finding Inspiration on Dribbble

Dribbble is described as a show and tell for creatives, a place where designers and developers can share small screenshots of what they’re working on. Personally, I’ve found it to be much more. On top…

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Mar 23, 2009 — Design · Inspiration · Web

Rareview Raises the Bar

Today, Rareview launched the latest version of their website, boasting their signature style and impressive Flash and Javascript enhancements. The work section, in particular, was creatively organized and includes notes for certain work screenshots. The…

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Jan 22, 2008 — Design · Web

Raka Redesign

Raka Creative, a talented interactive studio in Portsmouth, NH, starts the new year off right with a fresh redesign. If you haven’t taken a peek already, check out their inspirational work and read the touching…

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Mar 20, 2007 — Design · Web

ExpressionEngine Redesign Explained

Jesse Bennett-Chamberlain has written an excellent article describing the ExpressionEngine website redesign. Not only is the final result a fantastic website but his insights are worth any designer’s time. Great info on the design process…

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Feb 08, 2007 — Design · Inspiration · Web

Happy Cog Anew

Happy Cog releases a beautiful new design, pushing the message that they are not just web designers but authors, speakers, and industry movers as well. More from the man who got the cog rolling, Zeldman…

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Jul 14, 2006 — Design · Web

MC Cycle & Sport Launch

MC Cycle and Sport is a project I’ve been working on for Myles Chase. The site is now live and will soon include cycling events and an image gallery.

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Feb 07, 2005 — Design · Web

Ask and You Shall Receive

I’ve had a few inquiries about good sites to find tutorials, Photoshop in particular, and decided to make this list for my own reference as well. Enjoy. Tutorials: Webdogpro Grey Cobra Pixel2life Bluesfear Spoono Photoshop…

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