Feb 16, 2009 — Code · CSS · Web

How I Chose to Say Farewell to IE6

The web community has been abuzz lately with talk about dropping support for IE6 and rightfully so! I couldn’t agree more for most sites, though I’m sure there will be the occasional client who either…

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Feb 15, 2009 — Freelance · Site News

New Year, New Job, New Site

The start of 2009 has already brought many changes. For starters, I am no longer full-time with Hatchling Studios and now work independently through Build Interactive (website still in progress). Working for myself has been…

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Oct 14, 2008 — Reviews

Best Seat in the House

With the topic of bean bags highlighting a number of my daily feeds, I sent the fine folks at Sumo a friendly e-mail with my curiosities. Wouldn’t you know, shortly after, a charcoal green Omni…

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Feb 15, 2008 — Hosting · Web

Web Host Survey Results

Choosing the right host can be a daunting task. I launched version one of Shifting Creations back in summer of 2004, the first site I had ever built exported from Photoshop (yikes). I spent nights…

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Feb 15, 2008 — CSS · Web

CSS Type Set Goes Live

CSS Type Set is one of the projects I’ve been working on with friends, Travis and Tristan. The site serves as a hands-on tool for beginning designers and developers to interactively experiment with CSS in…

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Jan 28, 2008 — CSS · Web

SitePoint CSS Reference

I often recommend w3schools to anyone interested in learning more about web languages, specifically HTML/CSS. SitePoint now offers a similar resource which is up-to-date and very easy to understand. Both sites are worth the bookmark.

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Jan 22, 2008 — Design · Web

Raka Redesign

Raka Creative, a talented interactive studio in Portsmouth, NH, starts the new year off right with a fresh redesign. If you haven’t taken a peek already, check out their inspirational work and read the touching…

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Nov 25, 2007 — Code · CSS · Web

Decoy Fix for IE Duplicate Characters Bug

Among the countless IE annoyances, the duplicate character bug is one I’ve ran into more than once. Position Is Everything has a thorough write-up on the puzzling behavior, which seems to be triggered by HTML…

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Oct 19, 2007 — Web

Findings From the Web Design Survey

In April 2007, A List Apart and An Event Apart conducted a survey of people who make websites. Close to 33,000 web professionals answered the survey’s 37 questions, providing the first data ever collected on…

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