Jun 01, 2015 — Advice · Work

3 Steps Toward Guilt-Free Downtime

When I tell people I’m self-employed, they’re response is usually, “I wish I had a flexible schedule like you.” In reality, I find the opposite to be true. Because I do a lot of client…

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May 07, 2015 — Advice · Web

There Are No Experts in the Web Industry

For the past ten years, I’ve called Web Design my career and have handmade over 200 websites. I’ve witnessed the birth of the internet itself, along with the entire web industry it created (my daughter’s…

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Mar 31, 2015 — Life · Work

My Daily Routine

Yesterday, Cameron Moll posted an interesting discussion on Designer News and asked for others to share their daily routines. It was a fun exercise and wasn’t something I had ever written out before. Here’s how…

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Mar 14, 2015 — Advice · Life

Live Like Your Days Are Numbered

I’ve never been fond of the phrase “Live like there’s no tomorrow.” I can appreciate the idea of enjoying life and making the most of your time but there’s gotta be a better way of saying…

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