May 07, 2015 — Advice · Web

There Are No Experts in the Web Industry

For the past ten years, I’ve called Web Design my career and have handmade over 200 websites. I’ve witnessed the birth of the internet itself, along with the entire web industry it created (my daughter’s…

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Mar 23, 2009 — Design · Inspiration · Web

Rareview Raises the Bar

Today, Rareview launched the latest version of their website, boasting their signature style and impressive Flash and Javascript enhancements. The work section, in particular, was creatively organized and includes notes for certain work screenshots. The…

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Feb 16, 2009 — Code · CSS · Web

How I Chose to Say Farewell to IE6

The web community has been abuzz lately with talk about dropping support for IE6 and rightfully so! I couldn’t agree more for most sites, though I’m sure there will be the occasional client who either…

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Feb 15, 2008 — Hosting · Web

Web Host Survey Results

Choosing the right host can be a daunting task. I launched version one of Shifting Creations back in summer of 2004, the first site I had ever built exported from Photoshop (yikes). I spent nights…

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Feb 15, 2008 — CSS · Web

CSS Type Set Goes Live

CSS Type Set is one of the projects I’ve been working on with friends, Travis and Tristan. The site serves as a hands-on tool for beginning designers and developers to interactively experiment with CSS in…

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Jan 28, 2008 — CSS · Web

SitePoint CSS Reference

I often recommend w3schools to anyone interested in learning more about web languages, specifically HTML/CSS. SitePoint now offers a similar resource which is up-to-date and very easy to understand. Both sites are worth the bookmark.

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Jan 22, 2008 — Design · Web

Raka Redesign

Raka Creative, a talented interactive studio in Portsmouth, NH, starts the new year off right with a fresh redesign. If you haven’t taken a peek already, check out their inspirational work and read the touching…

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Nov 25, 2007 — Code · CSS · Web

Decoy Fix for IE Duplicate Characters Bug

Among the countless IE annoyances, the duplicate character bug is one I’ve ran into more than once. Position Is Everything has a thorough write-up on the puzzling behavior, which seems to be triggered by HTML…

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