With the topic of bean bags highlighting a number of my daily feeds, I sent the fine folks at Sumo a friendly e-mail with my curiosities. Wouldn’t you know, shortly after, a charcoal green Omni showed up at work. Being the guy who always receives too many packages at the office, it was comical to see the near head-height shipment towering beside my desk.
Without previously knowing about Sumo’s products, I was both surprised and impressed to see the quality material of the Omni upon opening the package. This isn’t the cotton twill you remember from 3rd grade; I’m talking about a thick, robust nylon covering that remains clean and comfortable (although you should check out other available Sumo styles if you’re looking for a different feel). In less than a week, the Omni has dutiful served as front row movie seat, laptop workstation, and bed to the fattest tabby cat in New England.
The Omni is a great addition to our home office. If I was still in college, I would probably ditch my undersized bunk bed for anything Sumo.